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Old 05-11-2009, 07:50 PM   #805 (permalink)
Go Solar.... Go Often.
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The forklift controller was also limited to 48v. Its only redeeming feature was a built-in bypass that would have automatically handled a direct motor/battery connection for high load demands.[/QUOTE]

That's interesting information, and useful as well. The fellow that has my forklift parts has it apart today and I go to pick up all the bits on Saturday (May 16/09). He tells me that the drive motor is about 15" in diameter (ouch!), but the pump motor is about 11" - better in an Escort likely. I will have to get some good pics of the motors when I pick them up and post them here. Both GE units, and the part that I really want to have a good look at is the controller. It's a GE unit as well, but nothing like the EV-1 at all. It is all housed in a nice finned aluminum housing with the GE 'meatball' cast into it in the corner. He says he can get me a schematic or at least a wiring diagram for it (I hope that's true). He seems as hyped as I am about this EV conversion.

Next question - as for batteries, I was looking at possibly using Trojan deep cycle 6V gels. They are about $200 each (the standard LA Trojans are $115). They seem to have the same or slightly better rating at the 20 hour rate and would require no maintenance. That would make it easier to suff them in the back without having to worry about water top-up and ventilation. Any thoughts on that madness? Ken.
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