Last week, at a local showing of WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR?, one of the questions from the audience was if there are any hybrid motorcycles out there.
I briefly spoke about my electric motorcycle conversion, but mentioned that its a bit difficult to cram a gas engine, electric motor, batteries, and everything else all within a motorcycle frame.
I have seen photos of several "range-extending" trailers for automotive EV's.
Why not a sidecar for an electric motorcycle? Instead of space for a passenger, it could carry a generator. Ideally the generator would run bio-diesel or some other renewable fuel.
The only trouble is - I have never ridden with a sidecar, know little about generators, and don't have a clue as to how to hook it up without frying my controller!
That's where you guys come in. I'm sure that with guys like Mazda Matt, Wherewolf, and MPaulHolmes, we could create the Ecomodder EV-Extender Sidecar!
In the end, the electric motorcycle with sidecar would have similar specs to GM's Volt.
Of the list of suggested names for Paul's open source controller, I rather liked "Open ReVolt". As a less expensive (and cooler!) alternative to the Chevy Volt, the name would fit perfect. Motorcycle culture always seems to go for the bad-boy attitude. Maybe I could paint a skull and crossed lightning bolts on there!
So go ahead, let loose with your ideas, concepts, and encouragement!