Originally Posted by dcb
If this is the basis for your position then please provide a source. And why you think it is more than a temporary phenomenon.
Also note the energy costs per mile are more like 30 times more expensive for gas (in 2007 terms) as I mentioned in a later post. 2.8 was just the btu for btu * average cost for electric vs gas. When you factor in the inefficiencies of the gas engine the cost per mile go much higher.
So maybe "cost" isn't the right term for the comparison you want to make. Sales? maybe, but that has as more to do with marketing and the state of the economy than anything else, and the good margin vehicles get the marketing dollars. And the good margin vehicles are the ones they already know how to make. No conspiracy, just business.
But lets keep our terms straight. Cost per mile there is no comparison with EV, Sales there is no comparison with Gas. They are not the same thing however, and nothing is written in stone.
Sorry for this slow reply
since the lack of EVs on the planet was not proof enough that EVs have more "costs" than you are using in your calculations
I have been keeping an eye out to find data you might believe
and I think I have found a convincing bit of evidence
check out the Miles EV Savings calculator
Miles Electric Vehicles
select "savings calculator tab"
with $2 gas and the cost of batteries check box(can't forget their carbon foot print/cost/effect)
I input my gasser milage of 25 mpg (hardly a top performer)
and Tah Dah! virtually the same cost per mile
This is not a conclusive or comprehensive argument I know
but... now since you have forced me to defend my gasser at the expense of EVs - which does pain my conscience
you must at least be willing to see the consumer is not missing out on a 30:1 cost savings for EVs
in fact for me to break even on cost alone - there has to be over $2 a gallon gas
never mind the inconvenience or performance penalty (25 mph max!

and I think the summer of 2008 and +$4 a gallon gas proved this very well
preaching EVs will not move the masses - but costs do
(all that a side I really would like a Miles truck - if i could just get it tagged)