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Old 05-25-2009, 02:17 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Lost variables data

Hi all. I lost all the data the other day and was wondering what happened. I had remembered the VSS number but the usec/gal number is history. I have checked the voltage supply and have found no problems there. Is it posible that the unit lost power and cleared the momory also? I also noticed the MPG going down during a decell the other day off of the interstate. I am guessing that the computer shut off the injectors. The MPG went to all 0's is this because the injector variable is 0 thus producing a 0 output? Thanks for the help.
I have a 1990 Chrysler Lebaron 4 door with 3.0 engine the VSS number I have now is 16325 it is real close but plan to take a trip to Florida next month and this should let me tune it. I will post the results for others here in July.

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