dcd this is the pre assembled unit that has lost the Vss and all the other vairables.
I have shot out a email to Kevin to see if he will look at the kit for me. I think that the chip has lost its program.
I have a ISP and I am waiting on a Dev board. I have just gottin a email that will help me as I want to make a clip on that will program the chip on board. I would like to hack the program and use a larger display my eye site is not so good for the small numbers on the road. I would like to be able to just glance at it and see what is going on. I have a display that is 9 3/8 x 1 3/8 that might do the trick. The problem is I do not have a pinout on the display, I bought it years ago and lost the data sheet. Maybe able to chase it down on the web today.
I have not had any more mishaps with the MPGuino but it has only been a few days since the last one.
Tell me if the power is lost to the uP will it reset to the stock values?
Should I consider a backup battery. I know this time to write down my figures so that they do not get lost.
thanks Hugh