Orange4boy, did you ever find a better solution to get your voltage between 13 and 15? I'm in the same boat; I've managed to drive a couple of tanks with no serpentine belt; eliminating my a/c, p/s, and alt. I had no drivability issues, but no dramatically improved FE.
I'm considering adding some other batteries in series to get my voltage up to 14 or 15. I'm also considering using a separate battery altogether that is 14.4V, like my cordless drill.
My ideas:
The only things that need to run at 14V are the injectors and the ECU, right?
I was mainly thinking about doing some 2V batteries in series with the regular battery and the injectors/ECU.
Anyone have a good idea for getting 2V? I was thinking about several D cells wired in parallel, (2 D cells in series, with several parallel branches) but I've been told you can't charge some kinds in parallel. I can't pull them out of their wiring each time I need to charge them. Anyone know what types I should use?