Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
Hello! I'm still messing up the rsvp preparation H suppository I think.
Yes you are :P
Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
I was able to commit, but it said the file was "non-versioned". I haven't seen any box that says "please enter the version", so I just sent it that way. The new file that I added to it was called "HighVoltageController 6-08-09.c" I think.
You have "deleted" a file and added another ... Here is the "changeset" of what you have committed:
Changeset 14 for trunk - Open ReVolt - Trac
The idea is to work on the same file, svn will remember everything so you don't need to change the file name. When you need to add a new file to the project just use "SVN Add" before commit, which will inform the system you have placed a new file under source control. And you can commit the whole directory structure at once not necessarily each individual file.
However, you are getting better with the svn! Just work in the directory you have checked-out, and always "update" before "commit". Comment your commits so we know what the reason for commiting changes was.
I've cleaned up the svn. Your last update is now named HighVoltageController.c and there is an AVR Studio project file for it in there.
Keep up the good work! I'm running your software on a test-board, using a pot for throttle and a LED for motor. I've added a bootloader so I can quickly update the uC directly from Avr Studio using the serial link. I'm testing serial communication from within the HighVoltageController.c ...