Originally Posted by CA_HX_5Spd
So what factors contribute to lean burn? I have a CA model HX and I drive 70 miles round trip, lately since the NBA finals have started I've driven a bit faster to get home
But normally I am driving at 60-65 a 17-20 Throttle position. Best tank I've got was 42mpg with tires at 44psi. Still haven't had a chance to drive 60-65, no ac, for the whole tank.
Do you have the LB gauge set up on your ScanGauge? I'm assuming you have one as you're reporting TPS data. Right now I'm seeing LB anywhere between 55-75 mph. Probably higher, as long as you don't exceed 32 TPS. I never tried because I hate those on-the-spot interviews with the men in blue.
If your tires are sound and rated 44 psi or better, consider putting them up to 50, cold.
As for a/c, I've (sometimes) been switching it on and off manually, on the a/c button. I leave the temp slider at max cold and switch the compressor off when it gets pretty cold and back on again when the chill is gone. (apologies to BB King)