I had someone send me this e-mail on metrompg.com:
Hey there!
I've been enjoying reading your website and I noticed in one article you mention that you load your mountain bike *inside* the metro. I'm considering buying a similar vehicle, and this is a primary concern for me: will my bike fit?
I have been searching all over the internet for some sort of data on the size of the space behind the front seats. Do you think you could take some measurements for me? Or even just send a photo of your bike loaded into the car? Thanks so much!
Evan ***
Hopeful future Metro owner
Can any other Metro owners chip in?
I have had my mountain bike inside. I think it's a 17.5 inch frame (could be mistaken). Both wheels (26 in.) off.
I also moved to the east coast for 4 months this past winter and brought everything I needed inside the car (minus the rear seat, which I left behind). Car was stuffed to the roof, with a "hole" down the top of the pile for rear view vision.