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Old 06-19-2009, 10:55 AM   #23 (permalink)
aero guerrilla
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Originally Posted by blueflame View Post
Last edited by blueflame; Today at 01:23 PM. Reason: trying no to be offensive
Hmm, I wonder what the first version was...

Whenever I think about cities, how many people live there, how much land has to be used to feed them, how much 'stuff' has to be transported to and fro, etc., I remember Isaac Asimov's description of the totally urbanised planet-city Trantor. I don't remember the exact wording (someone borrowed my book a few years ago seems to have liked it), but it was something about 20 agricultural worlds being dedicated solely to feeding Trantor's population, a fleet of ships larger than any military navy transporting food and goods to Trantor, and rumor has it that the waste left the planet in those same ships.
e·co·mod·ding: the art of turning vehicles into what they should be

What matters is where you're going, not how fast.

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