Originally Posted by groar
Thanks to this film I finally discovered why red meat, build by and for occidental people is so bad for environment.
Ahh, I'd be a veggie if it weren't for the porkchop in breadcrumbs...
In recent years I've been weaning myself away from meat (not only red meat, but poultry also, I don't eat fish at all), at first for ethical reasons, later for ecological reasons as I started to understand them. When I met my Wife she had given up meat a year earlier. The only reason was taste. I personally like a few dishes, very much like, but I am getting closer to not eating meat. Other than taste, there are three things still holding me back. First, I don't eat fish, so balancing a diet would be hard. Second, I have an active lifestyle and am a blood donor. Giving up almost a half liter of blood every 2-3 months puts a strain on my body. My hemoglobin level is naturally low, even when taking iron supplements. Every doctor tells me to eat more red meat and I always reply that I already eat more than I want. Third, I always cook at least two dinners: one for the Wife, who doesn't eat meat, and one for Dad-in-law, won't eat a meal without it. So since there is meat on the table anyway, I eat some. But 2-4 times a week I go without.
On the other hand, when we go to visit relatives who have a small farm, I have nothing against eating meat. I know it didn't come from some poor hen locked up in a cage, beak and claws chopped off for safety, stuffed with meal, anti-biotics, etc. This was a hen which ran around the barn picking at seeds and worms. Or a cow that spent most the day in a pasture, wasn't force-fed all sorts of junk, and the pasture wasn't sprayed with even worse junk.