MPG's or Drive Less?
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06-21-2009, 03:08 PM
Giant Moving Eco-Wall
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: The Dale, IL (or A-Dale)
Posts: 1,120
The Jeep!
- '95 Jeep Grand Cherokee ZJ Laredo
90 day:
mpg (US)
The Caliber
- '07 Dodge Caliber R/T
90 day:
mpg (US)
The 'Scort
- '98 Ford Escort LX
Thanks: 0
Thanked 7 Times in 6 Posts
^ like I said, I can't really just up and move in the situation I am in right now. When I stay the night at a friends house in the town I work I walk to work. or, if we need to get food and stuff, we take his Geo. But otherwise I gotta drive.
Yea.. I drive a Jeep and I'm on a fuel economy site, but you just wouldn't understand... "It's a Jeep thing!" *Jeep Wave*
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