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Old 06-20-2009, 11:27 PM   #11 (permalink)
Giant Moving Eco-Wall
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: The Dale, IL (or A-Dale)
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The Jeep! - '95 Jeep Grand Cherokee ZJ Laredo
90 day: 23.75 mpg (US)

The Caliber - '07 Dodge Caliber R/T
90 day: 30.6 mpg (US)

The 'Scort - '98 Ford Escort LX
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Thanked 7 Times in 6 Posts
I would bike, and I have biked to where I can get grocieries and things, but it just takes too long.

a 25 mile trip there and back during the summer is just not worth it where I live. And I can't do anything about moving to a better location that's closer to the conveniences right now. You can say all you want, but in my current situation, biking isn't a feasible option. Getting meat or milk, then biking 12 or 13 miles back isn't gonna cut it.

Plus take into the account that I haven't had a bike since I was 13, so Anytime I bike anywhere I have to borrow it.


Yea.. I drive a Jeep and I'm on a fuel economy site, but you just wouldn't understand... "It's a Jeep thing!" *Jeep Wave*

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Old 06-21-2009, 08:53 AM   #12 (permalink)
Coasting Down the Peak
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Toyauto Pickup - '94 Toyota Pickup 2WD
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Versa Base - '09 Versa Sedan 1.6 Base
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90 day: 41.69 mpg (US)
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I don't need a car at all, at least, I don't need a second car in our family. I walk or bike to work, and have all the services I need within a mile or so.

It is a dilemma, that most of the miles on my car are there because I find it fun to hypermile. Most of the miles are done joyriding with no destination in mind.

The best I can say is that my aeromod experiments might help someone else out who does have to drive.

I believe the most important transportation decision is to live near where you work and near where you shop/recreate/meet with friends. The price of gas can go up or down as it will and it will not affect me, other than by causing inflation to the things I buy.
Nissan Versa Aeromods
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Old 06-21-2009, 03:08 PM   #13 (permalink)
Giant Moving Eco-Wall
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: The Dale, IL (or A-Dale)
Posts: 1,120

The Jeep! - '95 Jeep Grand Cherokee ZJ Laredo
90 day: 23.75 mpg (US)

The Caliber - '07 Dodge Caliber R/T
90 day: 30.6 mpg (US)

The 'Scort - '98 Ford Escort LX
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Thanked 7 Times in 6 Posts
^ like I said, I can't really just up and move in the situation I am in right now. When I stay the night at a friends house in the town I work I walk to work. or, if we need to get food and stuff, we take his Geo. But otherwise I gotta drive.

Yea.. I drive a Jeep and I'm on a fuel economy site, but you just wouldn't understand... "It's a Jeep thing!" *Jeep Wave*

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Old 06-22-2009, 12:32 PM   #14 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Red Car - '89 Chevrolet Celebrity CL 4 door
Team Chevy
90 day: 36.47 mpg (US)

Winter Wagon - '89 Pontiac 6000 LE Wagon
90 day: 28.26 mpg (US)
Thanks: 8
Thanked 17 Times in 16 Posts
I would bike, and I have biked to where I can get grocieries and things, but it just takes too long.

a 25 mile trip there and back during the summer is just not worth it where I live. And I can't do anything about moving to a better location that's closer to the conveniences right now. You can say all you want, but in my current situation, biking isn't a feasible option. Getting meat or milk, then biking 12 or 13 miles back isn't gonna cut it.
Same here, as much as I would like to bike, it is just not feasible here. 25 miles one way up and down a lot of pretty fierce hills. Moving is not an option because Michigan is saturated with foreclosed houses and nobody is buying here unless you're a wealthy CEO or retiree looking for a fancy vacation house on the lake. I could get a deal on another house but can't afford two mortgages. And changing jobs is not an option, jobs are pretty thin pickins here anymore and I am thankful to still have a job with the company I have been with for over 10 years. When I was a kid I used to bike to town all the time with the same fierce hills (from glaciers) that make up this part of the state, but that was 5 miles away and was still something that I had to work up to.

So I do try to minimize trips and make my time between fillups go as far as I can. If I have to go to the store, I will go on the way home from work, which reduces my overall mpg but saves having to drive 20 miles round trip to the store from home.

I prefer the local roads over the freeways whenever I can, I get better mpg due to slower speeds and less wind. And at least here, the local roads make the trip a bit shorter because they were here first and are more direct. The freeway snakes all over the place to miss what was here to start with.


Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver
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