I think I have a plan figured out for the door opening. I will run a diagonal bar from the roll bar and one from the dashboard. I can put a flat bar a few inches above the floor connecting these angled ones. This will stiffen the car really well. I can also box in the door with tubing so if I do get a side impact the door hits against the car mounted stuff and it all works out almost as good as a full cage but is way easier to use daily. Here is a pic I drew real quick in paint.
I don't have the side welded up that well yet. That is just some wire from the welder. I still need to weld that side up well and when I do that will get rid of all the spot weld mess I have on there right now. I didn't get any time to work on the car today though, I had other stuff that needed done so hopefully tomorrow the car will be sitting on it's wheels again with the other side done.