Front end is halfway done. I might get it done next weekend if I am lucky

Once that is done it is time to start putting the car together. The only thing I need to decide is if I am going to put a cage across the door opening. I can cut the inner panel of the door away and just make it an outer skin that opens and closes. The cage would make the car much stiffer but I would have to climb over it to get in or out of the car. That would be a real pain with the top closed. If I did that the windows also would not roll up and down but would be held in place with wing nuts and could be swapped for lexan. The doors would be about 5-10lbs instead of about 45lbs.
So I guess either give up trying to keep it normal and go for the all out race car look and have side impact that is far better than any production vehicle. It would be far less user friendly that way. Or just leave the doors stock and have an easy to get in or out of car that has no real side impact protection but has working windows.