Originally Posted by Istas
Here's the picture of the result. You can see that the strongest conclusion is that there's turbulence, but I can get an idea of the direction of airflow by taking the approximate average of where the paint is, and it is out towards the side of the car a bit. In fact it looks almost in line with the angle of the side edge of the airdam.
Since my departure's delayed, I might mess around with coming up with some wheel deflectors tomorrow.
Istas,the wet paint tattle-tell technique I love.The tufts tell you exactly where they've been.Good one!------- Bye the way,looking at your tires,the three solid quiet-bands on the tread are probably costing you some mpg.------- When it's time for new rubber,check the other forums for LRR tires on the market.I think you could score some savings there.