hey stevey:
here's the temporary block, cardboard, tape, paint, its just a template for the final, hopefully out of polycarbonate or carbon fiber. i also taped up the fog lights in the lower sides of the lower valence temporarily.
i think i have another idea for forming a frame to attach to for the upper grill block. for my yr/model as i am sure there is for yours, there are several aftermarket "mesh grill insert kits", i found one that provides "clip on" lower grill mesh (which i was going to fab anyway to protect my 3 stacked radiators) and an upper grill clip on mesh. i am thinking of using the upper mesh as the perfectly formed clip on frame to attach my block to. just trying to decide if its worth the $70 for something alrady cut to fit and ready to clip on. i also plan on enclosing a tunnel from the lower opening to force all the air into the radiator sandwhich, creating a little down force, and putting on a vented carbon fiber hood to get the hot air right out. is your lower air dam finished? looking to do that as well, out of thick rubber.
