these problems can ba attributed to a machine strainging resources...the switch is on but the bulb is slow ya knaow what I mean? those ad agenices know it, and rape a machine whenever it can.
My problems stopped with 3.4ghz, 3 gb of ram, and vista premium. Not even home basic xp was fast for my setup. Shutdown services via advice from the net if you are in windows. Windows never admits the machine is sinking into an abyss of sloth, one has to learn it on thier own, for the stuff they are running. Again, stuff will indicate all ios ok, like pop up blocker, and simply not fast enough to react. that is a stck problem of priority, but who is going to keep 300 million people satisfied with ian oe operating system? not worth getting mad at mircosoft over it. work with it, it does have a function.