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Old 07-09-2009, 08:13 PM   #12 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Portland, OR
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Dang wonder you have 8000 posts, you do three posts at a time! I didn't point to any specific electric Geo as there are plenty of slow, electric Geos out there in the world.

Have fun reading the build thread, but don't expect's hard to build an AWD Fiero hybrid in a matter of weeks AND document it well. Once the race is over, there will be a full website detailing the project in greater depth. At least, that's the plan.

QuickLTD - No worries, it's an easy mistake to make. I have raced in LeMons (5 times!) so I am getting pretty good at making things fast and cheap, but making them pretty is a new one for me. This project would be a lot further along if I didn't have to worry about making it look nice! The goal is to make it look like something that would roll out of the factory. By comparison, in the world of LeMons, the goal is to just make something that will roll.

Thanks for the compliments guys.

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