A friend of mine from another club asked me why we can't just keep signing people up and allow more to run. The answer is because of the bottle neck that occurs as a result of topping off the cars/bikes at the filling station afterwards. In the case of this event, the station we are finishing at only has two pump islands. We will try not to tie up the owner's regular customers who did not expect 25 vehicles to be inundating the station all at once. From an outsider's perspective, all they will be able to see is a bunch of weird looking cars with their owners taking their time [we fill each car to the rim - which takes patience] pumping their 64- 128 ounces of fuel. It's quite the scene with all of the competitors standing around the pumps to see how much fuel each car used.
Should be fun. 
2007 ZENN and 2019 Chevy Bolt EV 145,000 oil free miles to date.
Last edited by blownb310; 07-13-2009 at 03:11 PM..