Hello Kopid03, There's a site <www.scootertime.net> where a lot of the members ride Zumas that you can go to..... There are aftermarlet sliding weights by a company, Dr.Pulley, you can replace the roller weights in your variator with that will help. You can put the next tallest tire on your back wheel (that will fit without clearance issues) an old hot rodder's trick that will give you a higher final drive ratio...A good wax job is always good for a half of a mpg! a wider drive belt (that rides higher in the variator pulley and thus gives a higher drive ratio,) works if you can source a belt.... Search the net for Zuma owner's forums, There Is one but I can't remember the address. An aftermarket exhaust does a lot of good, just be aware that with a carburetored engine, especially a two stroke, that opening the exhaust up will flow much more air than the carburetor is jetted for and could make it run lean enough to burn a piston... The reason I pointed you towards scootertime and zuma foruns, both sites have members that are heavily into modding their zumas to make them be all that they can. Gabe