It's still interesting to deconstruct. It just needs to be taken in context. It does not seem to be a hoax, just an oddball experiment in the right direction with unsubstantiated claims. Just like a lot of us here.
(No disrespect intended)
Personal, I don't see why a chain drive is important. Chains are used in many vehicles, and were used on many cars. Part of the reason they're not used on cars anymore is because they suck for that application.
I bet it has no transmission and no differential. That's a whole lot of friction gone. Totally not doable on a conventional gas production car. It was tested and made just as far from real world vehicles as most of the MPG contests out there. (X-prize excluded)
Having said that, 376 mpg does seem very high. Perhaps the course it used ran on ley lines.
Vortex generators are old tech. My new and improved vortex alternators are unstoppable.
"It’s easy to explain how rockets work but explaining the aerodynamics of a wing takes a rocket scientist.