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Old 07-26-2009, 11:40 PM   #2098 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by esoneson View Post
Thanks Adam!

The one big question that I have is the same one you have: will it be able to handle 168 Volts? I guess you will find out soon enough.

Great looking heat sink packaging


hm, so a couple things I haven't told anyone about yet... I've found this all out by accident, fortunately no big deal.

1st, the controller survives being turned on and off while the caps are precharged. One time I screwed up my sequence of 1-turn car/controller on 2-precharge caps. Several times, I was in traffic and the micro froze (this was before we figured out the problem), so I had to cycle the car on and off to reset it. didn't have time to drain the caps and precharge again.

2nd, the controller can handle at least 175V because once I forgot to disconnect the pack with my manual circuit breaker before I charged it. It probably got up to at least 175V. Embarrassing, but the controller still works!

That being said, if you charge to 2.4V per cell for SLA's, then that's just a hair over 200V. You may have to wait a bit for the voltage to drop before connecting your pack, not to mention that a cap's voltage rating has a tolerance and the rating apparently decreases with age...

I bet if you're careful, you'll be fine!
ReVolt AZ testing thread:
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