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Old 07-27-2009, 08:15 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RandomFact314 View Post
I want to try it but I don't know, I really can't mess up my car right now cuz I don't have a job to pay for the repairs...
I had used acetone for several years, needless to say 5 years after the fact nothing special went out then or now.

Generally if your car can take alcohol in the fuel it will take acetone all the same. My FE WAS effected most of the time but mainly at low throttle situations (in town). I usually saw a net increase of 0-3mpg, especially evident in winter months. (and yes I DID notice a 3mpg increase in my fe logs since my mpgs rarely change on a given route) Main issue is that increase did not overcome the price for the acetone by much and you had to really play around with the amount of acetone in your eye dropper since too much makes it worse, too little isn't noticeable. Also I was running a mix of acetone and mystery oil which I recommend on older motors in small doses.

I may have to retest now that I have a scanguage, my driving technique really hasn't changed much except when I can drive slow up hills and fast down (but I did that before I heard of hypermiling just apparently not as effectively).

I find the folks that say e85 drops MPGs in half are the same folks who say acetone will blow up your car.

Strangely enough running e85 I could still maintain 28-32mpg on the highway with my 98 Buick lesabre before my scanguage. Which was identical to my previous fuel logs from those years. Back then E85 was half the price of e10, it was definately worth the chance burning then, but now

Worst case if you have a 30yr old antique is that rubber components that are already aged will break apart causing a repair of some lines a filter or maybe even your fuel pump.

But its not bloody likely.
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