I say experiment they thought Einstein was nuts for a long time while he tried to figure things out. Chemistry is just another system the more we explore the more opportunity we will have for a break through. I have had no problems only improved my vehicle and it is 14+ years old. A mechanic friend bought a car it tapped like crazy he squirted Mystery Oil in cylinders he poured some in the carb and it smoked like crazy, then he stomped on it and blew it out at high speed. It had carbon on the top of the cylinders after he blew it out it ran fine. Even a mechanic would rather fix something the easy way if it will work. Acetone is O.K. with me if it only brings my car up closer to new car specs, but it does more than that and that's a plus. Yes, it has a lot of octane I think it's around 167 octane I really don't care about that. I am trying to increase the volume in the gas by expanding the space between the molecules that is one reason I use it and another reason I heat fuel.