Originally Posted by Christ
Oh, I plan on it... I don't want to have to excavate behind the house to stop water from coming in the walls, since it's a masonry home.
Actually, I plan on digging back further than I need to, building the first (retainer) wall, then putting up membrane and felt-backed protection board, then back filling with crushed stone, for proper drainage.
Outsulation gets placed against the retaining wall, then the block wall gets put up in front of that.
That sounds like it ought to do it. I've seen a concept for an earth-sheltered house that took the insulation and waterproofing envelope WAAAY WAAAY out from the perimeter of the actual house. The idea was to provide lots and lots of buffer space against moisture migration, and add tremendously to the thermal inertia of the home. Once you get it to a comfortable temperature (preferably by low-cost solar heating or radiant cooling means), it stays there for months.
I like my house. It's kind of quaint, it has a bit of history. But the utility bills come in and I just want to pile a few hundred cubic yards of dirt on top of it.
Good luck man, it sounds like fun.