Originally Posted by alohaspirit
If it smells rotten or looks really off color I dont eat it.
(And I have a pretty iron stomach)
But lets say its past expiration date by 2 days and its still in the fridge.
Chances are Im eating eat.
(Soy Milk keeps 2 months past expiration if kept really cold in the fridge)
You pick and choose.
We don't use milk as fast as we get it, and you
have to get everything that's on the WIC check to use it... often times, the milk will have gone expired, but never opened, and I still use it, even though my wife won't. Eggs, I just got done eating 7 eggs and 6 pieces of toast. The bread was from last week, and had spots of green mold growing on it, which I picked off. The eggs, we purchased last month. They were far beyond their expiration, but a light shake revealed that only one was actually "bad".
I had some sharp cheese yesterday for a snack. It had green/slimy mold growing on the end of it, which I wiped off before cutting a piece for myself.
These are things I've been doing for years. Apparently, since I expose myself to all these pathogens, I'm sick all the time.