Can I get 60 mpg out of my Paseo?
I posted this as a poll on three different Tercel/Paseo forums. Thus far the votes have been (to my surprise) heavily favored to yes. Yes, this was even posted on ToyotaNation. Surprising difference between the Tundra and Tercel/Paseo members I'd say. Yet, the members of these boards are almost 100% interested in performance alone. Mileage has been mentioned maybe 3 times in the few years that I have been on the boards.
I will mention I have a reputation for getting things done on the boards so people do tend to trust me more than the average joe. I wonder how much this has swayed the voting. Most guys are lucky if they are breaking 40 mpg with their cars. Yet, they believe I can get 60 mpg (162% old EPA highway rating for my Paseo)?
Total votes thus far:
Yes: 12
No: 4
Now I really gotta kick it into gear so I can achieve this.