Took the wheel skirts off awhile back because for some reason they reduced mpg. Oh well, all trial and error, some stuff only works for some cars.
Thanks heavens summer has returned, so tonight I got started on an extension for the tail. It is just bolted on, so if for whatever reason I need to remove it, I can do that easily. Just gotta weld in 2 strips of diagonal bracing to stiffen it, then skin it, paint it, and relocate the plate and lights. Hope to have done by sometime next week. I may recess the lights into coffee can type housings to level them and for a cool look. Kinda wanted to do that before but at the same time I really wanted to get it done too. I also have 2 red sidemarkers which will go into the extension eventually. They came from a fullsize Dodge van so they are pretty flat with the surface.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver