Under voltage=lower bulb life and less light.
I can believe that without any problem. My church had an oddball light fixture in our sign which was set for 90V (if I'm remembering correctly). Put a 110 bulb in it and it wouldn't last a week. We finally swapped out the guts to use a 110 bulb.
I don't see how the cost, weight, and loss of storage of extra batteries or the possible reliability issues/extra vigilance necessary to eliminate the alternator is worth it. To each their own, but it seems like spending a dollar to save a dime to me.
Yeah... I've started running the numbers. I'm estimating I'll spend about $1300-1500 per year on gas. I'm figuring I'd have to spend a minimum of $750 to get a system in place. I'm estimating a three year payback... ouch!