All this talk of welding and I missed out

Been a bit busy trying to re-roof the coup. Anyhow, the rule of thumb is to buy the biggest welder you can afford. Generally speaking, larger means bigger and better power sources and that directly effects the quality of the weld. That being said, I got a measaly little welder and make due with it. Lincoln Mig 110. Older model that uses flux core. But I'll used my Oxy-fuel set up to do fine welding. The flux core type Mig welders are great starting points and very affordable these days. Like any purchase, research what others are saying on the expert forums. I'm sure there's some decent chinese welders these days. When you identify a couple units you like, post up some links and we'll give our two cents. Don't forget you'll need: Slag hammer, wire brush, soap stone, 4.5" angle grinder with appropriate grinding, cutting, wire wheel attachements, bench vise, drill and drill bits, etc...
How close are you to needing some assistance in welding? I leave on a business trip on the 21'st and need to spend this week finishing up the coup roof. I'll try and make time when you need it most. Just have plenty of metal there to practice on so you can learn. Check out Fazios in South Jersey for great deals on steel. It is the Super WalMart of steel and metal fabrication. I could spend a whole day there just walking around and enjoying the sights, it is that big. Just ask for the "drops" to get the cheap stuff, and I mean cheap, they are very affordable and helpfull.