there is an electronic solenoid that locks the TC in my transmission,
Cool beans, daddy-o!
You will love it. My TC lock wire came right out of the main ECU pinout which made it a snap to wire. I hope yours is as easy.
I was grovelling for the oil masters today. I finally changed the ATF today and for the first time dropped fully synth 5-20 into the ICE. The tranny felt much better after and didn't slip as much in first. I'm going to do it again soon because the thing takes 6 qt and I could only drain 2.5. I wish there was a way to drain more. Crap. I just remembered, I was going to try to drain the ATF rad. Oh well, Ill do that next time. Can you do that with low pressure compressed air?
If I were doomed... I mean stuck with an automatic, this is something I would definitely pursue.
I don't feel nearly as doomed as I did before the switch. Wait... Are there degrees of doomed?