You'll need the power to get it to melt and penetrate deep enough. Otherwise your weld may just be sitting on the surface looking all nice and pretty

You shouldn't have to vary much from the setting I had it at. It's a pretty forgiving welder.
When your letting the weld pool cool. Don't let it cool off until it turns back to the black base metal color. Let it cool until it is orange'ish, then hit it again.
It took me all day to "detox" from those fumes. My head was pounding all day and I just felt sick. Make sure you wear a mask.
Also make sure to clean up the area you are welding as good as you can, that will make it easier. That gray primer under the paint is so stubborn to get off and was messing with the weld a bit. Not really a bit deal though, you will not be relying on the welds to be the only thing holding the motor mounts down, the real strength will come in the bracing.
Another thing I just remembered, in order to reduce stress concentration on the trianglar brace we were talking about last night, take the tip of the triangle off. The part that would be at the square corner, at the base of the mount. Go up about 3/4" and out 3/4" from that corner and trim the tip of the triangle away. This will make it much stronger. If this is unclear, I can make a diagram.
So many tips and tricks, just not enough time....