So, with some handlebars on there it really looks like something.
And of course then you can get to the super-fun business of getting all the cables put on. This will vary a bit from bike-to-bike. If all else fails, look at pictures online to figure it out
With all the cables hooked up, it's time to put the chain on. Or in my case, chains.
Move your derailleurs into the position over the big chainring in front, and the big cog in back. (big-big, you know the one combination you never want to actually ride in?)
Thread your chain through all it's cogs and derailleurs and pull it as tight as you can over the big-big rings. At that point, all the excess chain will have to be removed. You'll need a chain-tool to do this.
Put the link in that you want broken, twist like hell, and you've got a shorter chain.
So there it is. You've got a complete bike. It's probably wildly out of adjustment, but it's all there.
Hell, I even managed to resist riding it till I made sure the brakes were in adjustment enough to stop me.
I even found out that it has enough braking power to pull a decent endo.