You could still do "Gop Tear"
I am glad you are safe and reasonably unharmed.
The Metro would look great going around the course driven by "The Stig" (could he even get in with his helmet and fire gear on?)
Jeremy-"So as you see the Stig is pushing it hard into the corner there, Oh now he's got the Rock & Roll on yes I think he's going to beat the Lambo time. No wait he's pulling over for a spot of tea.
Amazing handling and precision for a car that is missing most of its front sheet metal.
Ah now he's losing it in the Gambon Corner. ..."
Any way it is gonna be a little harder to sell now.
Ad - " Needs TLC. $2500 OBO "
" Pre-Disastered ..."
" The chances of two accidents in one vehicle life are ..."
Take care.
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.
Albert Einstein