Originally Posted by MetroMPG
No kidding! Did you offer to pay for the electricity use? Or was that not the issue...
Electricity use wasn't the issue (cost less than 4¢ per day for work's electricity). It was because my car was parked near the maintenance garage, and on of the other staff thought that I was getting a special parking space closer to the building. In reality, the spot I was parked in was only 5 ft. closer to the main building than the closest parking spot.
I made sure to inform all the staff that asked me, why I was parking there and most of them understood. Although, nearly all of them asked why I was still plugging in my car when the temps were just getting above 30°F, hehe. I then had to explain that 30°F is still a long ways away from 180+°F (the temp at which the thermostat opens on most cars).
Meh, I chalk it up to ignorance and jealousy of coworkers. It's all good though because I'm the IT Guy at work, so they all respect me anyways....and think I'm a little weird.