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Old 09-22-2009, 07:01 PM   #3 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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That does seem a bit high to want to put yourself in an environment like that. Is it possible to further shield the source of EMF? I've seen a few warnings about this in regard to electric vehicles in general. Depending on how health conscious you are, I might consider some metering devices that will accurately detect and measure magnetic fields. Personally, I refuse to put a cell phone up to my head because there is enough evidence to date to prove that microwave emissions (especially carrying data) is immediately damaging and has a cumulative risk factor.

This is all about raising your risk for health problems in the long run, but I sure the heck wouldn't get that thing if I had any kids to carry around, that would only add to the 1,000,000 times the electropollution we see that our great grandparents didn't. Definitely not good for a developing child.
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