Lets see... I use roughly 25Ah to get to work and back. So, I use 12.5 on the way to work and that gets recharged by the time I leave with the 36W panel. Really, by the time I get home there isn't much sun left. But, I could easily make it back to work with that level of charge. So, I'd imagine that 8.5 hrs at work the next day would give me 25.5Ah effectively recharging my battery completely.
Of course, this assumes its never cloudy and always is light the entire time I am at work which is not the case in winter. There is also snow to contend with and headlight use which is a major battery drain. So, in winter I'll be in trouble, but summer I think I'll be in good condition. Perhaps a panel that put out 2x as much would suffice for winter, but I really can't say that for sure.
These are all really rough guesses though. I'm not even sure that my 36W panel will actually put out 36W.