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Old 09-27-2009, 03:42 PM   #17 (permalink)
Chevy and CB Radio Lover
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About Electricity:

I'm sure we all can agree that we need money, or JOBS, in order to put food on the table and even drive a car. I happen to live in east Kentucky in which our economy is pretty much Government, Health Care, and COAL (about 95%). Otherwise our people are on fixed income. Many here support burning of Coal because it helps our local economy. Our air is very clean as well and we have inexpensive electricity via co-ops. Every time I have checked the figures the air in this part of the country is about as clean as it gets. So it is a matter of priorities. Sure we can worry ourselves to death about harm to the earth that is still very much in debate, OR we can worry about putting food on the table. So I for one support what I know about this plug-in electric car, besides it should not use that much electricity anyway- it's mainly just to get the cars on the road and then the eco-friendly small gasoline engine keeps the battery charged. The bottom line is a whole lot less burning of fossil fuels and less damage to the environment if The Volt performs as G.M. claims.

Frankly, money matters and good health mean more to me. If one has no means of support nor good health then they likely will not be around to live as long of a life as others. These are the priorities of the people I know. I wish we could be as concerned about something like what comes out of an exhaust pipe, but many of us have much more serious short term pressing matters to deal with. Now if I had a comfortable life then I would have time to worry over the possibility of global warming etc... But for the moment I am personally more concerned about employment and health care, as are the friends I have. As I am equally as concerned about getting the highest MPG out of my car, thus my reason for being on this site.

I guess nuclear fission works well for countries like China. But I still have an intense fear of this technology, especially in the case of terrorism. However I remain open minded, with the thoughts that I would not want one in MY backyard.
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