The controller is still in the golf cart. Its holding up real well so far, but I have to figure out why the bus bars are turning blue in places. I have no idea....
Im hoping that the 180's will happen. We have to come up with the additional $4k to pay for the extra capacity, so we have been selling everything we don't want or need or find in storage, on ebay.

Hopefully somebody will buy some of the high dollar stuff soon so we can buy the motor.
As for the cabling, I have been talking to my rep for the supply house that we use for work. He is able to get me 4/0 welding cable for $3.35 a foot. Since I don't need it to connect the batteries together, I figure I only need at most 45 feet, thats $150. The spec sheet says that in a 600V in-line system it can handle 310 Amps continuous, and in a 100 foot loop welding circuit it can handle 600 Amps at a 60% duty cycle. It should be able to take very large amounts of current for burnouts and drag racing.
Here's the spec sheet: