Originally Posted by Christ
Around here, as a youngin, there were no imports to speak of. The Fast and The Furious came out, as well as some lesser known substrates of the same non-sense, and BOOM. Rice Explosion.
Now that I'm older, and most of the tards have moved on to the city, hoping to make something of their lacking education and utter disdain for society, it's a lot calmer around here. The newest generation here seems to be somewhat more intelligent than most of mine ever was, at least in this area. I think we got those well-mannered Californians, and the idiots from my Gen took their lifted trucks and stupid-low cars, and moved out to Cali, perhaps at the whim of some Rap "Artist" whom they idolized, had never met, had no intentions of understanding, and took at face value, for the words he spoke, not what he actually said.
So anyway - Now there are lots of Jap/German cars, and even some Chinese ones around... but equally as many older folk who just don't care enough to buy anything else, and they stick with what they have/know - Domestix.
PS - there are even some Chinese tractors and farm equipment around here.. Those few farmers and plot-owners that utilize them are the few smart ones that realized that even when they break, they're still cheaper than just buying a US-named one.
Oh good God Nooooooo!!!
Now I have to count to ten...
We are not getting a good buy, by purchasing Chinese made anything. Why do you think China-Mart is so big? no no no .. Chinese Products have robbed the middle class of more wealth than anything in all of American history, and we really need to treat their imports the way they do our exports, and lets not even get me going about Chinese's methods of regulating exchange rates on the US Dollar! We need FAIR TRADE, not trade that forces all of our good paying jobs to go to a country in which if a person calls the leader a dirty name he finds himself in PRISON making FREE stuff for China-Mart.
Wait- Korea will be our next "China", at least in cars they might be.
Vent over.