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Old 10-03-2009, 01:02 AM   #78 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jammer View Post
Christ: The issue is all of the millions of jobs Americans have lost to China because they do not compete fairly and use what amounts to slave labor. People get locked up for lifetimes and are put to work in prison. Their money exchange rate is said by many experts to be stacked in their favor. No matter how bad or good the quality is (and I agree China's quality is all over the map) it still boils down to the simple act of buying their products has already resulted in more plants closing in America and moving to China that in the next few years many of us are fearful for the nation. We can not be a strong nation with only service jobs, history has shown we have to MAKE AND EXPORT THINGS (OTHER THAN GOOD JOBS) over seas.

I pray I live to see jobs come back, but until the playing field gets more fair I can see no way we can win unless Americans simply stop buying so much imported stuff and starts buying American stuff whenever possible.

We all are free to choose. But how long will we have these freedoms at the rate were going now? I have read much about how they set up their money exchange rate, and many "experts" claim that's a big reason for their inexpensive products (slave labor helps too).

I see you as one of the good guys and I'm sorry if I over reacted. It's just that my posse sees the simple act of comparing products in a store to see where they are made, is much like recycling, or being green for our environment (except what I speak of deals with our country, and being "green" often deals with issues that impact the entire world)- we need to support some Americans products or what will happen to us? It's got many pretty spooked right now due to the shortage of jobs in much of this country.

Oh well, I have not sleep in over 36 hours due to chronic pain, so I'm sorry to act all stuffy. I wish you the best dude.
I'm well aware of the shortage of jobs in this country. I've been out of work since November of last year, collecting unemployment the whole time. When that runs out, I go back to working (most likely) as a self-employed nut, paying taxes on money that doesn't get reported, because I'm a "good" citizen (read as: I'm a "good" SS number...)

I'm all for patriotism and supporting America, but at the same time, the world economy is more important than that of any one country, and while it may be less environmentally and morally responsible to buy cheaply built and priced products from China, I still do so when it's fiscally better for me.

There is the National Economy, but there's the Economy in my pocket, as well. If I don't have the money to buy the overpriced American crap, I don't have the money. When it comes down to American and starving or Chinese and Food on the table, I pick whatever lets me eat at the end of the day. Call me whatever you want, but that's just the way it is.

In the mean time, Americans are losing work because we refuse to buy over priced American products when often, their foreign counterparts are of similar or superior quality... then again, I've been a part of the American workforce for ~10 years... I've seen lots and lots of dissatisfied people who can't live within their means, insist that they're working too hard and being paid too little, yet they often are found slacking around until the bell for quittin' time rings. They don't appreciate the dollars they do earn, because they feel entitled to something more, for doing nothing.

The era of the "hard working American", sadly, is nearing it's end, IMO. There are too many lazy people who have this feeling of entitlement, and none of them will even do what's asked for what's offered. Go to China, Japan (not so much anymore, from what I'm told), and several countries who aren't as "well off" as America, and you'll find a completely different attitude. Those people appreciate the opportunity to make a living as best they can on what's offered, and they work damn hard for it, gladly, knowing that it means they can eat and live to work another day. They don't piss and moan about not receiving an undeserved merit raise, or sit and complain that they didn't get that last-minute vacation approval so they could go drinking on Friday instead of upholding their duties at work.

Cost of Labor is a major component of why companies are moving to China, but there are other factors involved as well, that people refuse to see/admit to. When's the last time you heard someone honestly say that they were just too lazy to go to work? That's a factor, though noone will ever tell you that. they'll make up some excuse about how they're sick, etc...

I've had several jobs where there WERE NO sick days. You had 5 vacation days a year for the first 2 years, use 'em up foolishly, and they're gone. Get sick and take off work after that, you're fired. That was one of the best companies I've ever worked for. The bosses commanded respect, and the workers actually worked. We were paid a fair salary for the amount of work that we had to do, and had full benefits, another luxury IMO.

On top of all that, employee wages aren't even the largest practical reason for businesses moving overseas. CEO's need new cars. Plain and simple. What's the best way to liquefy $1.5 million dollars from your business' capital? Hire cheaper labor, get rid of the more expensive guys. Then, go buy your over priced car that you won't drive anyway, because driving is just a burden when you have a Chauffeur, and the Chauffeur and you both won't fit in a Ferrari.

/informative rant
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