Good idea to take the old fittings to the parts store. All my cars use 4 different fittings at the master cylinder. One is std metric line, the other 3 require adapters. Also you might have to look around. The only store in my area that is worthwhile for brake lines and fittings is the local Auto Value. All of the other stores are pretty sparse on fittings and knowledge.
One thing I would do when installing the new lines is try to isolate them from the frame/body as much as you can. Use a chunk of rubber hose or something. Otherwise the new line will start rusting out at the contact point, while the rest of the line will be just fine.
I just use premade lengths. It is easy to form with my fingers. Measure well before going to the store, so you know just how much you need, then you don't end up with a bunch of extra to take up with funny bends and loops.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver