Am I the only one who noticed that CARB (California Air Resources Board) basically brought back the MANDATE this summer?
The EV-1 and other vehicles like the RAV-4 Electric pretty much only existed because CARB passed a law saying that manufacturers had to make X percent of their vehicles Zero Emissions. Just about the only way to do that is with an electric vehicle.
This time, the mandate is for Zero-Carbon vehicles (cut down those greenhouse gasses!) but again, just about the only way to do that is with electrics!
I LOVE seeing people getting excited about electric vehicles, and I think cars like the Prius have changed car culture a bit, but I don't think there would be such a buzz over EVs right now if manufacturers weren't being "forced" to make them.
Of course, all the manufacturers are spinning it as being eco-friendly, etc, etc.
I guess all I am really saying here is that it's great to have booming interest in EVs, but we shouldn't be fooled - the main reason the big boys are making them is because they have too!
Sorry I don't have a good web link for the Zero-Carbon mandate CARB passed this summer. I am amazed what a non-news item it has been!