You all have never been on the forums I take it.
I was very much out numbered over there when I used my handle JAMMER and posted that I did not feel laser jammers were worth their money, it would not be too long that state by state they outlaw the things, AND they already have the technology on some British made laser guns to detect when a car is scrambling them. Not to mention a standard Cam Filter for Night vision or an infra-red filter should show the jamming signal clearly, if they just make an effort to stop the fastest cars on the interstates. It's a miracle the guys posting their videos were not killed. One motor cycle driver (Ninja bike) was going 185 in heavy traffic and actually drove between the cars on a California highway and went buy an officer at a speed trap so fast the cop did not seem to even see him- He made a video of it and it's on youtube and
Believe me, with Laser the cop has to be stationary, often parked on an over pass with the gun either on a tripod with chaser cars ready, or they use a very small gun and rest it on something to keep it's balance. It is impossible to get a correct reading, or anything close even, by using a laser gun while a car is being drove- thus the reason radar is still so popular.
On the site it's administrator is an ex cop that tests radar detectors often and he runs the site. The die hard members of that sight are hard core speeders, some with expensive Corvette ZR1s and what not. They post live VIDEOS on that site, and on You tube, showing drivers of cars speeding around 90-100 miles per hour when their Valentine One's laser alarm goes off which triggers a wire-feed to the actual Scrambler's brain which then sends out the optical signal through a couple of optical lens placed directly in the front bumper- at least that is the "in" thing today with speeders. Many feel there is never enough reaction time to pickup laser and slow down- I beg to differ. Every test I have seen shows the Valentine One has by far the most sensitive laser detector of anything on the market (I'm not just bragging, that was a major reason I bought it), and I have already had experiences in my past in which my detector picked up the laser being aimed at cars to the front of me on I75- It really can be done but 99% of the radar/laser detectors on the market will only alert at the exact moment you are being clocked- NO WARNING TIME.
On their members posts videos on states that have heavy use of laser guns and it shows how fast they get hit by laser until they pass the police, about 1000 feet with a V1. So most serious speeders (normally younger guys) have that Veil spray on their front plate, if they must have a front plate, also some change their front plate to a WRONG PLATE to fool the cams..... Then their detector goes off on laser which directly triggers the scrambler and the police officer normally can not get a lock on the car (a common problem with laser guns is they do not always lock in on the car they aim at) I AM AGAINST LEGAL LASER JAMMERS- THEY ARE HIGHLY EFFECTIVE and thus they allow all of the speed racers in states that are using mostly laser guns to get away with it as their video cam mounted in the passenger head-rest video-records everything. They think it's funny to brag and how their videos of all of the laser traps they got away with speeding and fooled the police.
Last note: Police aim their laser beam at the front license plate if their is one. If your lucky to live in a state like Kentucky which only wants the REAR plate # visible, then by removing any front plate OR my putting a plastic one there will buy a little time for the police to lock in. No plate= aiming the tiny beam at the headlights to get a good reflection back. The color of a car, and the amount of plastic in the body can also make a big difference in the ability of the police to lock in on your car with a laser gun. Radar is not dead by a long shot, but laser is becoming more and more popular.
Most states have no laws against laser jammers, and I believe the interstates would be safer if we could get a federal ban on the devices. Just go to and/or Youtube for Laser Scramblers and take a look at their videos. These devices work too well against laser and if they are not outlawed the police can only write out tickets for anything else they can find, as they sometimes suspect jammers being used, but can not always locate where the optical lenses are.
Last edited by Jammer; 10-07-2009 at 02:45 AM..