Originally Posted by NiHaoMike
I remember about my cheap radar detector going off when parking near stores. Probably the store's antitheft system or something operating on similar frequencies. (IIRC, it was always on the Ka band.)
Or what about a laser decoy? Might it be as simple as pulsing an infrared laser from an old CD burner to mimic a laser unit?
I'm an electronics major, for what good it does me. I believe the fastest way of stopping speeders from blowing your doors off would be a triggered instant on/of laser gun that you could plug into your 12 volt socket. It would NOT give a correct speed, but I bet it sure would have people hitting their brakes fast! But laser guns still cost maybe more than $2,000. Check online for kits that may do what you wish. It very well may already in kit form and all you would need to do is solider the parts on to the printed circuit board. All you might have to drill 1/16th holes into the board too and solider the parts based on the instructions. Then buy or make a case for it.
Your on to a good idea. As the READ LED TAILLIGHTS OF GM cars and trucks DO false alarm a lot of laser detectors- BUT you have to be right next to the lights for it to happen. Also sometimes the sun-set will give a false alarm- these both are very rare false alarms for mine, but nothing raises more hell on a RD than a laser alert- It's a 5-star ALERT. Also old-school NEON SIGNS sometimes set of a laser circuit it it's is within 20 feet of the sign. Yes I believe if you mess around with infra red you could do it. I would consider a common infra red remote control and use your own detector to test it until you can modify the remote control enough to set of a detector from far away. You might could find the formula to make parabolic dishes and by using the remote control parts and a proper made and tuned parabolic dish be able to stop RD speeders from 1/4 a mile away. I believe it is possible. I would think this would be do-able. Nice idea for a project!
If you search on Google you can find small devices that do exactly what you want, but most are sold as KITS only, or have to be imported to America because the FCC declares them not legal. You very well might could find the schematics online for such a device, because many have talked about such an invention for many years- not to mention I have already ran into one broadcasting from the cab of a Semi that set my RD off for almost 2 miles ahead of him. I had past him and based on the arrows, it HAD to be the trucker.
The most legal and effective way of stopping speeders fast would be a gizmos that sets of their laser, and laser is LIGHT and therefor not covered by the FCC. It takes STATE LAWS to stop any kind of tampering with police LASER, even for persona use. State laws vary a lot on this stuff.