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Old 10-08-2009, 01:23 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Shell claims new "FuelSave" gasoline formulation increases fuel economy

Google Alerts today picked up on some Malaysian news stories relating to a new blend of fuel being marketed there by Shell:

Shell Malaysia has unveiled its most advanced fuel economy formula ever, ‘Shell FuelSave Unleaded’, formulated to help motorists save up to 1 litre with every full tank.
Of course, that's a mostly useless piece of information without also providing the size of the fuel tank! Stupid journalists reprinting corporate press releases!

Assume a 40 liter tank (10.6 US gallons - seems reasonable for what I assume is a predominantly small car market in Malaysia) and a 1 litre savings equals a 2.5% potential improvement.

EDIT: a bit more digging reveals Shell is using a 50 L fill as the baseline, so it's now "up to" a 2% improvement, "Based on a minimum fill of 50 litres. Comparison between standard fuel with and without fuel economy formula. Actual savings may vary according to vehicle, driving conditions and driving style."

The innovation behind the new formula is an "efficiency improver" that reduces energy loss by lubricating parts where engine oils - which act as lubricants - are less effective.
Sounds fishy to me, and makes me wonder what kinds of consumer protection laws exist in Malaysia regarding advertising.

Update: a further search of Shell's web site shows the fuel is also being marketed in Singapore (city state at the tip of Malasia's Malay Peninsula), the Netherlands and Turkey.

Here's the Singapore "FuelSave" web portal:
Shell in Singapore - Shell FuelSave

Attached Thumbnails
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