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Old 10-09-2009, 01:59 PM   #70 (permalink)
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Getting back to the Volt, GM, and whether we should throw good money after what may be bad:

Vote with your pocketbook - buy a Fusion Hybrid. Proven, viable, available. If it weren't, you couldn't buy one.

I think the most telling statement I've read of all the above posts is the one that speaks to what $50B could've bought, if it hadn't been spent on floating GM. Well, sure that much money can buy a lot of R&D. But if GM isn't there to do the R&D, then who? Ford is already doing their own. Toyota has a few bazillion sunk in hybrid projects, Honda's off in left field brewing up next-gen fuel cells and Mercedes is making minivans that look like fish. So in effect, isn't our $50B actually going to R&D and sky-high mileage numbers, just like we want? Granted, we have to buy the bathtub with the baby, but we are ultimately getting desired results. It's just costing more than we'd rather pay.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.
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