Originally Posted by rmay635703
It is a cultural thing but not universal for all americans.
Sadly though most spend all their lives hurrying to get absolutely NO WHERE.
People make a schedual to follow in the US, go to a fair for enjoyment and need to race through to be done in an hour so they can be on schedual to eat or whatever it is they figure they need to do. Wittle their pathetic lives on a demanding schedual that is more or less filled with meaningless activities that must be done (or so they think)
A lot of people are in a hurry to get through something to go home and watch TV.
Most folks mentality in the US burns my ass and I was born here and lived here all my life, people need to learn to sit back and relax, you really don't need to be at X so badly at a certain time.
My oppinion
I completely agree with you. In the US (and especially in the northeast, where I'm from), the mentality is "I have to get there now now now!" Everyone's schedule is jam-packed with not enough transit time allotted, everyone wants instant gratification, they know they can get away with going 10 mph over the limit, and they think they're invincible. I'm 26, and I routinely get passed by a hundred vehicles a day on a highway with two lanes each way, even though I'm going the speed limit of 65. It's not uncommon for people to fly by me like I'm standing still, and then you get the jackasses in trucks who don't even have time to whip you the bird, cause they're too busy cutting you off. What's the point of cutting me off? Is it to send me some kind of signal, like maybe I should drive faster? I'm sorry, I'm driving the speed limit for a reason. Heck, I'd drive slower if I wasn't afraid that those idiots would rear-end me, due to their attention span being measured in microseconds.
Some people I talk to about this problem defend the speeders, saying stuff like, "Well, people have places to be!" Okay, that's a valid point, but they should have the willpower to either (a) leave earlier, or (b) accept the fact that they're going to be late and face the consequences. Otherwise, these people need to cut something out of their schedules or move closer to the places they go and the services they use. When I start making enough money to buy a house, I'm buying one in a city with good public transit, so I no longer have to deal with the idiots on the road unless I'm walking across a street. I'll just walk or ride a bike, and I won't have to worry about gas mileage ever again. Better yet, maybe by that time there will be a car-free city in the US. Then again, I won't hold my breath for that, as our states are perpetually in debt and probably couldn't afford to help build a new city, let alone maintain the current ones.