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Old 10-10-2009, 09:43 AM   #32 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: South Jersey
Posts: 553

Little Blue - '98 Ford Escort ZX2 Cool
Team ZX2
90 day: 44.75 mpg (US)

Big Red - '00 Ford Excursion XLT
90 day: 15.53 mpg (US)
Thanks: 5
Thanked 45 Times in 29 Posts
I did check my ignition advance yesterday. At 50mph and a 21TPS (just enought throttle to keep it rolling and not loose speed) the advance was 35-36. Going slightly downhill at 50mph and a 19-20TPS the advance was 39-40, which I presume is max. Idle TPS is 17. I need to test this with the line pluged back in to compare. This is quite a mystery, I did a little drive last night, I often drive this route and have never gotten better than 40mpg, last night I got 42. It definatly is working...and I'm not getting any pinging or surging that is typically associated with vacuum leaks.
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